WandaVision: Why Agnes Misses Her Cue (How Does She Understand?)

WandaVision episode 5 sees Agnes seem to miss a cue into the world that is scripted of, prompting further questions as to whether she actually is a witch.

Agnes missing what has been a cue in WandaVision episode 5 further supports the popular concept that she is in a position to look out of the ruse of Westview as a result of her very own magical abilities. It has been kept fairly available to interpretation for most of WandaVision as to whether to townspeople of Westview realize that they may be in a false sitcom-like truth that was cordoned down with a magical barrier through the remaining portion of the MCU. On one side, a large proportion seem to feel as if they belong when you look at the universe, and tend to be pleased with the slice-of-life antics their day-to-day lives entail. On the other side, it is clear that some people did keep their memories of truth and know they’ve beenn’t currently inside it, because is shown whenever Monica Rambeau is ejected from Westview after reminding Wanda that her bro had been killed by Ultron.

And episode 5 truly supports the concept Agnes understands just how fake the present WandaVision arranged is, among the episode’s first scenes shows her offering to manage the newborn twins, simply to fumble whenever Vision says no. keep reading